MiniXP - Contents

Clink on the links below to view the MiniXP documentation - this is a work in progress and will be added to over time.

  1. MiniXP - Project overview.
  1. XPCLI - About Dietmar Stoelting's "XPSP1 with full commandline and NTFS below 10 MB".
  1. Project Scripts - List of all winbuilder scripts included with the MiniXP download.
  1. Required Files - Files needed to build a MiniXP.
  1. Instructions - walkthrough in using Winbuilder to create a MiniXP.
  1. Developing Program Scripts - includes advice on adding third party applications.
  1. File List - a complete list of the MiniXP core files.
  1. Testing on a Real (Non-Virtual) System - includes notes on installing MiniXP.
  1. Acknowledgements and Links